🥀 The Beauty of Envy: 101+ Names That Reflect Desire!

James Wilson

Last updated on October 2nd, 2024 at 03:19 pm

Envy is a powerful and multifaceted emotion, often depicted as a source of conflict and strife in human experience. From ancient mythologies to contemporary literature, envy has been explored as a driving force behind some of the most compelling narratives and characters. This complex feeling, characterized by desire and resentment towards others’ success or possessions, has found its way into names across cultures and epochs.

In this exploration, we delve into names that embody the essence of envy, spanning from historical and literary figures to modern interpretations and cultural symbols. Each name carries its own unique association with envy, whether through its meaning, origin, or the character it represents.

By examining these names, we uncover the rich tapestry of how envy has influenced and shaped human stories and perceptions throughout history. Join us on this journey to discover the enigmatic and often shadowy world of names that mean envy.

Names Meaning “Envy” in Mythology and Ancient Cultures

  1. Lamashtu
    • Meaning: Envious spirit
    • Name Origin: Mesopotamian
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Lamashtu is a demoness in Mesopotamian mythology known for her envious and malevolent nature.
  2. Eris
    • Meaning: Discord; envy
    • Name Origin: Greek
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: The Greek goddess of strife and discord, representing the disruptive power of envy.
  3. Nergal
    • Meaning: Lord of the underworld; envy
    • Name Origin: Babylonian
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: As a deity associated with the underworld, Nergal embodies dark emotions, including envy.
  4. Nemesis
    • Meaning: Retribution; envy
    • Name Origin: Greek
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: The goddess of retribution and vengeance, often driven by envy of the success of others.
  5. Fury
    • Meaning: Rage; envy
    • Name Origin: Greek
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Represents the wrathful aspect of envy, linked to the mythological Furies who punished those driven by envy.
  6. Kali
    • Meaning: Dark; envious
    • Name Origin: Hindu
    • Popularity: Popular
    • Associated Meanings: The Hindu goddess Kali embodies destruction and transformation, including the destructive force of envy.
  7. Lilith
    • Meaning: Night demon; envy
    • Name Origin: Hebrew
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Often depicted as a figure of envy and rebellion in various mythologies.
  8. Seth
    • Meaning: Chaos; envy
    • Name Origin: Egyptian
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: The Egyptian god associated with chaos and disorder, including the envy-driven aspects.
  9. Ate
    • Meaning: Ruin; envy
    • Name Origin: Greek
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Personification of ruin and mischief, often driven by envy.
  10. Hera
    • Meaning: Queen; envy
    • Name Origin: Greek
    • Popularity: Popular
    • Associated Meanings: The Greek goddess known for her envious nature, especially towards Zeus’s lovers and offspring.

Names Meaning “Envy” in Literature and Modern Culture

  1. Envy
    • Meaning: Envy
    • Name Origin: English
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Directly represents the emotion of envy.
  2. Jealousy
    • Meaning: Jealousy; envy
    • Name Origin: English
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Represents the emotion of jealousy, closely related to envy.
  3. Dione
    • Meaning: Divine queen; envy
    • Name Origin: Greek
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: In literature, Dione can be associated with divine envy.
  4. Lucifer
    • Meaning: Light-bringer; envy
    • Name Origin: Latin
    • Popularity: Popular
    • Associated Meanings: Represents the figure who, in Christian theology, fell from grace due to envy.
  5. Malice
    • Meaning: Ill will; envy
    • Name Origin: English
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Represents the ill will and negative feelings, including envy.
  6. Desdemona
    • Meaning: Misery; envy
    • Name Origin: Greek
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Represents tragic emotions including envy, from Shakespeare’s Othello.
  7. Cassandra
    • Meaning: Prophetess; envy
    • Name Origin: Greek
    • Popularity: Popular
    • Associated Meanings: Known for her tragic foresight and the envy it provokes.
  8. Iago
    • Meaning: Supplanter; envy
    • Name Origin: Spanish
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: The antagonist in Shakespeare’s Othello, driven by envy and malice.
  9. Goneril
    • Meaning: Discontent; envy
    • Name Origin: English
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: One of the envious characters in Shakespeare’s King Lear.
  10. Regan
    • Meaning: Queen; envy
    • Name Origin: English
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Another character from King Lear, associated with envy and ambition.
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Names Meaning “Envy” with Symbolic Meanings

  1. Vespera
    • Meaning: Evening star; envy
    • Name Origin: Latin
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Symbolic of the dark, envious side of the night.
  2. Nyx
    • Meaning: Night; envy
    • Name Origin: Greek
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Represents the dark, envious aspects of night.
  3. Sable
    • Meaning: Black; envy
    • Name Origin: English
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Symbolizes the dark nature of envy.
  4. Erisia
    • Meaning: Related to Eris; envy
    • Name Origin: Greek
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Represents qualities of discord and envy.
  5. Helena
    • Meaning: Bright; envy
    • Name Origin: Greek
    • Popularity: Popular
    • Associated Meanings: Symbolic of the contrast between beauty and envy.
  6. Ravenna
    • Meaning: Raven; envy
    • Name Origin: Italian
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Represents the dark and mysterious nature of envy.
  7. Mara
    • Meaning: Bitter; envy
    • Name Origin: Hebrew
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Represents bitterness and the destructive side of envy.
  8. Xanthe
    • Meaning: Golden; envy
    • Name Origin: Greek
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Represents the contrast between envy and the golden nature.
  9. Thana
    • Meaning: Immortal; envy
    • Name Origin: Greek
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Symbolizes eternal envy.
  10. Noctis
    • Meaning: Night; envy
    • Name Origin: Latin
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Represents the dark, hidden aspects of envy.

Names Meaning “Envy” in Different Languages

  1. Jaloux
    • Meaning: Jealous; envious
    • Name Origin: French
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Represents the feeling of jealousy and envy in French.
  2. Invidia
    • Meaning: Envy
    • Name Origin: Latin
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Directly translates to envy in Latin, symbolizing the emotion.
  3. Gelosia
    • Meaning: Jealousy; envy
    • Name Origin: Italian
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Represents the concept of jealousy and envy in Italian.
  4. Rivalis
    • Meaning: Rival; envious
    • Name Origin: Latin
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Symbolizes rivalry and the envy it can produce.
  5. Cenofobia
    • Meaning: Fear of others; envy
    • Name Origin: Spanish
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Represents a fear of others that can be linked to envy.
  6. Avido
    • Meaning: Greedy; envious
    • Name Origin: Italian
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Symbolizes the greed and envy intertwined in certain emotions.
  7. Invidiosa
    • Meaning: Envious
    • Name Origin: Spanish
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Represents the direct emotion of envy in Spanish.
  8. Neid
    • Meaning: Envy
    • Name Origin: German
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Represents the emotion of envy in German.
  9. Envie
    • Meaning: Envy
    • Name Origin: French
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Directly translates to envy in French, denoting the emotion.
  10. Rivalité
    • Meaning: Rivalry; envy
    • Name Origin: French
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Represents the rivalry and envy it can evoke.

Names Meaning “Envy” in Contemporary and Popular Culture

  1. Greed
    • Meaning: Excessive desire; envy
    • Name Origin: English
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Represents the excessive desire and envy often portrayed in modern media.
  2. Vesper
    • Meaning: Evening; envy
    • Name Origin: Latin
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Symbolic of the dark, enigmatic aspects associated with envy.
  3. Lust
    • Meaning: Strong desire; envy
    • Name Origin: English
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Represents the intense emotions and desires that can include envy.
  4. Rage
    • Meaning: Intense anger; envy
    • Name Origin: English
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Represents the fury and destructive nature often connected to envy.
  5. Desiree
    • Meaning: Desired; envious
    • Name Origin: French
    • Popularity: Popular
    • Associated Meanings: Symbolizes the longing and envy associated with desire.
  6. Malice
    • Meaning: Ill will; envy
    • Name Origin: English
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Represents the harmful intentions often linked with envy.
  7. Venus
    • Meaning: Love; envy
    • Name Origin: Latin
    • Popularity: Popular
    • Associated Meanings: The goddess of love, whose beauty and love can provoke envy.
  8. Dante
    • Meaning: Enduring; envy
    • Name Origin: Italian
    • Popularity: Popular
    • Associated Meanings: Associated with Dante Alighieri, whose works address human vices including envy.
  9. Jezebel
    • Meaning: Impudent; envious
    • Name Origin: Hebrew
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Represents a figure known for her envy and ambition.
  10. Irene
    • Meaning: Peace; envy
    • Name Origin: Greek
    • Popularity: Popular
    • Associated Meanings: Represents a contrast to the disruptive force of envy.
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Names Meaning “Envy” with a Focus on Emotional Impact

  1. Sorrow
    • Meaning: Sadness; envy
    • Name Origin: English
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Represents the emotional pain associated with envy.
  2. Grudge
    • Meaning: Resentment; envy
    • Name Origin: English
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Symbolizes the long-lasting effects of envy and resentment.
  3. Treachery
    • Meaning: Betrayal; envy
    • Name Origin: English
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Represents the deceit and treachery that can stem from envy.
  4. Spite
    • Meaning: Malice; envy
    • Name Origin: English
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Symbolizes the malicious aspect of envy.
  5. Malicious
    • Meaning: Intending harm; envy
    • Name Origin: English
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Represents the harmful intent often associated with envy.
  6. Resent
    • Meaning: Hold a grudge; envy
    • Name Origin: English
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Represents the lingering bitterness of envy.
  7. Woe
    • Meaning: Distress; envy
    • Name Origin: English
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Symbolizes the emotional turmoil linked to envy.
  8. Envy
    • Meaning: Envy
    • Name Origin: English
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Directly denotes the emotion of envy.
  9. Aversion
    • Meaning: Dislike; envy
    • Name Origin: English
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Represents the strong aversion often caused by envy.
  10. Fury
    • Meaning: Intense anger; envy
    • Name Origin: English
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Symbolizes the intense rage that can accompany envy.

Historical Figures and Literary Characters Representing “Envy”

  1. Iago
    • Meaning: Supplanter; envious
    • Name Origin: Spanish
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: The antagonist in Shakespeare’s Othello, driven by envy and deception.
  2. Lady Macbeth
    • Meaning: Queen; envious
    • Name Origin: Scottish
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Known for her envy-driven ambition in Shakespeare’s Macbeth.
  3. Rebecca
    • Meaning: To bind; envious
    • Name Origin: Hebrew
    • Popularity: Popular
    • Associated Meanings: Character from Daphne du Maurier’s novel Rebecca, representing envy and intrigue.
  4. Goneril
    • Meaning: Discontent; envy
    • Name Origin: English
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: One of the envious daughters in Shakespeare’s King Lear.
  5. Clytemnestra
    • Meaning: Famous; envious
    • Name Origin: Greek
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: The vengeful wife of Agamemnon, driven by envy and betrayal.
  6. Nina
    • Meaning: Grace; envy
    • Name Origin: Spanish
    • Popularity: Popular
    • Associated Meanings: Character from various literary works, often associated with themes of envy.
  7. Jealousy
    • Meaning: Jealousy; envy
    • Name Origin: English
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Represents the emotion of envy, often depicted in literature.
  8. Dorian Gray
    • Meaning: Envy; corruption
    • Name Origin: English
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: The protagonist in Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray, embodying envy and moral corruption.
  9. Brutus
    • Meaning: Heavy; envious
    • Name Origin: Latin
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Known for his betrayal driven by envy in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar.
  10. Satan
    • Meaning: Adversary; envy
    • Name Origin: Hebrew
    • Popularity: Popular
    • Associated Meanings: Represents the envious adversary in various religious texts.

Names Meaning “Envy” in Fiction and Fantasy

  1. Azazel
    • Meaning: Scapegoat; envious
    • Name Origin: Hebrew
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Represents a fallen angel associated with envy in various mythologies.
  2. Raven
    • Meaning: Dark; envious
    • Name Origin: English
    • Popularity: Popular
    • Associated Meanings: Represents the dark, envious aspects in various fictional works.
  3. Morgana
    • Meaning: Sea-born; envy
    • Name Origin: Welsh
    • Popularity: Popular
    • Associated Meanings: A character from Arthurian legend associated with magical envy.
  4. Vespera
    • Meaning: Evening star; envy
    • Name Origin: Latin
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Represents the dark and mysterious side of envy in fantasy.
  5. Maleficent
    • Meaning: Malevolent; envious
    • Name Origin: Latin
    • Popularity: Popular
    • Associated Meanings: The iconic villain in Disney’s Maleficent, driven by envy and vengeance.
  6. Sauron
    • Meaning: Abhorred; envious
    • Name Origin: Quenya (Tolkien)
    • Popularity: Popular
    • Associated Meanings: The Dark Lord in Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings, representing envy and power.
  7. Jafar
    • Meaning: Forgiving; envious
    • Name Origin: Arabic
    • Popularity: Popular
    • Associated Meanings: The antagonist in Disney’s Aladdin, driven by envy.
  8. Gollum
    • Meaning: Creeping; envious
    • Name Origin: Tolkien
    • Popularity: Popular
    • Associated Meanings: A character from The Lord of the Rings, whose envy drives much of the plot.
  9. Hades
    • Meaning: Unseen; envious
    • Name Origin: Greek
    • Popularity: Popular
    • Associated Meanings: The Greek god of the underworld, often depicted with envious qualities.
  10. Jinx
    • Meaning: Spell; envy
    • Name Origin: English
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Represents the notion of envy and misfortune in fantasy.
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Names with Envy-Related Symbolism in Art and Culture

  1. Verde
    • Meaning: Green; envy
    • Name Origin: Spanish
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Represents the color green, symbolizing envy in art and culture.
  2. Venus
    • Meaning: Love; envy
    • Name Origin: Latin
    • Popularity: Popular
    • Associated Meanings: The goddess of love, whose beauty can evoke envy.
  3. Lilith
    • Meaning: Night demon; envy
    • Name Origin: Hebrew
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Often associated with envy and dark aspects in art.
  4. Vesper
    • Meaning: Evening; envy
    • Name Origin: Latin
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Represents the evening star, associated with envy and mystery.
  5. Fatum
    • Meaning: Fate; envy
    • Name Origin: Latin
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Represents the sense of destiny and the envy it can provoke.
  6. Psyche
    • Meaning: Soul; envy
    • Name Origin: Greek
    • Popularity: Popular
    • Associated Meanings: Represents the soul and the envy-related aspects in Greek mythology.
  7. Tantalus
    • Meaning: Tormented; envy
    • Name Origin: Greek
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Represents the eternal torment and envy in Greek myth.
  8. Styx
    • Meaning: River of hate; envy
    • Name Origin: Greek
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Represents the river that divides the living from the dead, linked to envy and hatred.
  9. Arachne
    • Meaning: Spider; envy
    • Name Origin: Greek
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Represents the myth of Arachne, whose envy led to her transformation into a spider.
  10. Nox
    • Meaning: Night; envy
    • Name Origin: Latin
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Represents the dark and enigmatic aspects of envy.

Creative and Modern Interpretations of “Envy” Names

  1. Eclipsa
    • Meaning: Eclipse; envy
    • Name Origin: Latin
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Represents the obscuring nature of envy, akin to an eclipse.
  2. Shadow
    • Meaning: Dark figure; envy
    • Name Origin: English
    • Popularity: Popular
    • Associated Meanings: Represents the dark, envious aspects that lurk in the shadows.
  3. Erisia
    • Meaning: Related to Eris; envy
    • Name Origin: Greek
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Represents the discord and envy associated with the goddess Eris.
  4. Twilight
    • Meaning: Dusk; envy
    • Name Origin: English
    • Popularity: Popular
    • Associated Meanings: Symbolizes the in-between time, representing the ambiguity of envy.
  5. Nyssa
    • Meaning: Goal; envy
    • Name Origin: Greek
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Represents the pursuit of goals and the envy it can engender.
  6. Vex
    • Meaning: Annoy; envy
    • Name Origin: English
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Represents the irritation and envy that can arise.
  7. Sable
    • Meaning: Black; envy
    • Name Origin: English
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Symbolizes the dark and mysterious nature of envy.
  8. Venette
    • Meaning: Venomous; envy
    • Name Origin: Latin
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Represents the toxic and envious aspects of the emotion.
  9. Obsidian
    • Meaning: Dark stone; envy
    • Name Origin: Latin
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Represents the dark and sharp nature of envy.
  10. Eris
    • Meaning: Strife; envy
    • Name Origin: Greek
    • Popularity: Rare
    • Associated Meanings: Represents the goddess of discord, directly tied to envy.


Exploring names that mean “envy” provides a deep dive into the complex and often dark nature of this emotion. From historical figures and mythological characters to contemporary and fictional interpretations, these names reflect the many facets of envy, from its destructive impact to its subtle influence in various narratives. Whether used to evoke intrigue, reflect inner struggles, or explore human emotions, these names offer a unique lens through which to understand and appreciate the multifaceted nature of envy.

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